Art & Handicaps

Art & Handicaps

“Art makes us beautiful and intelligent, there is no reason to deprive ourselves of it. Every morning I repeat it in front of the mirror. »

André Carpin

All the arts are like mirrors where man knows and recognizes something about himself that he was unaware of.»


Care through creation

It involves creating visual art creations, individual and collective, using various artistic techniques. The subjects are chosen by the participants and speakers, with an openness and a playful discovery of the artistic universe.
Through art, it is the opportunity to express, to communicate their difference and their inner richness, which sometimes they cannot convey through words.


It involves creating visual art creations, individual and collective, using various artistic techniques. The subjects are chosen by the participants and speakers, with an openness and a playful discovery of the artistic universe.
A session is structured around three principles: expression through art, artistic creation and reflection on one's creation: putting words to one's feelings and emotions.

Everyone learns at their own pace, which has the impact of promoting motor development and thereby increasing their self-esteem, while experiencing pleasure.

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